Dr. Rahul Roy Chowdhury

Gynecologic Oncologist in Kolkata

Dr. Rahul Roy Chowdhury is a distinguished Consultant in Gynaecology and Gynaecological Oncology at Manipal Hospitals Salt Lake , Mukundapur & Dhakuria, Kolkata, and Saroj Gupta Cancer Centre and Research Institute, with 33 years of extensive experience, including 19 years as a specialist. He is widely renowned for his exceptional expertise in performing pelvic and upper abdominal surgeries, peritonectomies, and laparoscopic procedures tailored specifically for managing endometrial cancers.

Dr. Roy Chowdhury dedicated a significant portion of his professional career, spanning 15 years, to practicing medicine in the United Kingdom. During this tenure, he underwent rigorous training across several prestigious hospitals, ultimately earning the esteemed FRCOG qualification from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in London. Additionally, he holds a Completion Certificate of Training from the Professional Medical Educational and Training Board in the UK.

His specialization in Gynaecological Oncology occurred at the renowned Oxford Cancer Centre with in The John Radcliffe Hospital from 2003 to 2007. Dr. Chowdhury continued to refine his expertise in Gynaecological Oncology across various esteemed institutions. Upon returning to India in 2008, he quickly established himself as a prominent authority in the field. Presently, he holds the distinction of being recognised as a Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.

Career & Certificates

Here is one of my UK Certificates for more please click on the See More buttton

Research & Publications

Dr Roy Chowdhury is the clinical trial administrator of Saroj Gupta Cancer Centre and Research Institute, Thakurpukur, Kolkata. Here he plays a pivotal role in driving both clinical and academic research trials in the institute. He has keen interest in research and collaborates with scientists from National Institute of Bio Medical Genomics (NIBMG), Kalyani, Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Jadavpur...

Anand Kulthia
Anand Kulthia
Words will be short to review Doctor Rahul Roy Chowdhury. He is a gem of person, very polite, best doctor in his field, humble & always gives right advice. I was lucky to got my mother surgery done from him in 2017 and by the grace of god she is doing fine afterwards. Would highly recommend him for any gynaecological issues.
Soumya Bhattacharya
Soumya Bhattacharya
My mother in law is under Rahul Sir's supervision. She is well now. RAHUL Sir is GOD
Arka Dasgupta
Arka Dasgupta
Treating my mother under him. Very good doctor. The way he talks with the patients is amazing. Very humble and polite and always guides you in the right path. Very disciplined and follows the protocol. Very punctual
Ranamita C
Ranamita C
6 years ago, 'famous' oncologist, Dr Rahul Roy Chowdhury misdiagnosed my now-deceased grandmother for cancerous tumours. He performed several tests as well as a uterus removal operation at AMRI Hospital costing over 1 lakh rupees. However, after the operation, the full biopsy report revealed that my grandmother had no cancerous tumours! Infact, she only had cysts! A cyst removal surgery was disguised as a tumour removal surgery and charged as a tumour removal surgery! I honestly don't recommend Dr Rahul as a doctor. I don't think he even apologised to my family for the misdiagnosis.
chaitali senapati
chaitali senapati
He is the most humble doctor I have ever meet . Paitent will get 50% recover after communicating with him .Even most experienced doctor .Now a days most of the doctor will never say anything without looking at reports . He had done biopsy of my mother and came out saying "I don't think their is any problem" . This positive gesture help us to deal with the waiting period of report and we also stay positive during that time . Also report came as expected "Negative". I recommend to all the patient dealing with gyno problem .
Rita Dey
Rita Dey
HE is God for me or can say angel for us. I recpect HIM from my deep of my heart. I have no word to say about HIM how HE help us by treating my mother in cervical cancer treatment. HIS beheviour is too good .Iwant to do pranam by sastang to HIM.

Gynaecological Cancers

What are Gynaecological Cancers?

There are five gynaecological cancers – womb, ovarian, cervical, vaginal and vulval – but awareness levels of these cancers are very low.There are common signs and symptoms across some of the gynaecological cancers such as abnormal vaginal bleeding. Other signs are less obvious, and could be due to different health conditions, for example abdominal bloating can indicate Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Prevention of Gynecological cancers

Women can reduce the risk of developing ovarian cancer in many ways; however, there is no prevention method for the disease. All women are at risk because ovarian cancer does not strike only one ethnic or age group. A healthcare professional can help a woman identify ways to reduce her risk as well as decide if consultation with a genetic counselor is appropriate.

Uterine Cancer

Some factors which increase the chances of a woman having uterine cancer.The most common symptom of uterine cancer is abnormal vaginal bleeding. It may start as a watery, blood-streaked flow that gradually contains more blood. After menopause, any vaginal bleeding is abnormal.

Vulval cancer

It is the skin that surrounds the outside of the vagina, between the legs of a woman.This cancer is sometimes diagnosed on examination during another procedure. Symptoms of vulval cancer include vulval itching, irritation or pain. Women may also notice a lump, bleeding or discharge

Ovarian Cancer

It is the 4th commonest cancer in women in India, though world wide it ranks 7th. It is a growth of abnormal malignant cells that begins in the ovaries or fallopian tubes. Malignant cancer cells in the ovaries can spread in two ways: directly to other organs in the pelvis and abdomen

Academic Involvement

Indian delegation in the Annual Conference of International Gynecologic Cancer Society in Seoul, Korea

Indian delegation in the Annual Conference of International Gynecologic Cancer Society in Seoul, Korea

Representing India in the 1st Endometrial Cancer Consensus Conference in Incheon, Korea

GCIG 1st Endometrial Cancer Consensus Conference on Clinical Research – representative of the LMIC group

Resource person for the Hands on Training in Gynecologic Cancer at Chittagong Medical College, Chattogram

Resource person for the Hands on Training in Gynecologic Cancer at Chittagong Medical College, Chattogram

Dr Rahul Roy Chowdhury

A talk on cancer prevention – BITM Kolkata

Answering questions on cancer prevention – BITM Kolkata

A talk on cancer prevention – BITM Kolkata

Case review on Ovarian Cancer – Chattogram Medical College, Oncology Division

Scientific seminar on Ovarian malignancy organised by Obstetrics and Gynaecology Society of Bangladesh (Chattogram Chapter)

News Paper

Dr Rahul Roy Chowdhury

Patient testimonials